Layer Builder Geonodes
This file is a pre-built asset and set of geometry nodes for Blender version 3.4+ for the quick creation, customization, and animation of stacks of layers. These are a common figure in materials science research but the asset can be used in all kinds of figures and scenes. In the future the asset will include pre-builds of various thin film devices along with common shaders.
There is now a version 2 (Layer Builder II) that includes some extra features and a separate node that allows other objects to be fit in between the layers and animated using the same controls. A showcase will follow and will be linked here in the future.
A walkthrough of the original nodes can be found here:
Please consider providing attribution in any published work that makes use of these assets to Dr. Joseph G. Manion. If you find these assets useful please refer others to them so that they can benefit similarly. Thank you very much
the .blend file containing the asset